Changes in My Practice
Changes in My Practice “...reflective practice is viewed as a means by which practitioners can develop a greater level of self-awareness about the nature and impact of their performance, an awareness that creates opportunities for professional growth and development. ( Osterman, K. & Kottkamp, R., 1993 ) My 32 week learning journey This 32 week learning journey has covered many aspects of teaching and learning I have read about or trialled in the last few years. Revisiting many aspects with a more critical eye has given me the language to describe and reasons to support what I do. I have discovered more ICT tools to add to my teaching toolkit, and have reflected on the leadership styles evident in many of the institutions I have worked in, as well as my own. My learning through Mindlab has also made me more aware of the need for an evidence-based approach to teaching and learning. Two key changes in my own research informed practice There are ...